Our Staff Listing
Rabbi Moshe Re’em rabbi@bethelallentown.org
Executive Director:
Michelle Rohrbach michelle@bethelallentown.org
Coordinator of Ritual & Service:
Shari Spark shari@bethelallentown.org
Religious School Director:
Beth Daskin beth@bethelallentown.org
Life Cycle Event Coordinator:
Melanie May melanie@bethelallentown.org
Kathi Katzman kathi@bethelallentown.org
Jewish Family Educator:
Beth Daskin beth@bethelallentown.org
Administrative Assistants:
Ilene Rubel ilene@bethelallentown.org
Cheryl Reitz cheryl@bethelallentown.org
Rebecca Arrigali (school) rebecca@bethelallentown.org
Shorashim: Gloria Lowy and Alicia Zahn
Custodians: Audley Francis & Delroy Davis
House Staff: Donna Schmehl & Naomi Ritter